Advice for new Truck Drivers. (and anyone who has a job)

If you're a new truck driver listen up. This is important! Okay so, you've been cruising across the country delivering goods from state to state and the big day is finally here. Payday!! Now for many of you, you're going to open up that paycheck and think, "Wow! Truck driving can be a real gold mine!" You know you might start daydreaming about all the stuff you can buy, that new gear, that new swag, you know stuff for the truck, maybe a new fancy gadget or you might start thinking about that vacation you've been wanting. Or maybe, you're thinking about catching up on some of those bills, climbing out of that, you know, financial hole or maybe even reaching the top of that fiscal mountain.

But there's a reality check we all need to face. You can't do this forever. One thing... When those wheels stop rolling, so does your income. You'll want to take a break every now and then. You know, go home. And let's just be honest. Sometimes, you'll have to and more than that, let's not forget how tough this job can be on your health. That's a topic for another video where I talk about why every truck driver needs The Feel Great System! Right? I firmly believe that! For right now, let's focus on that paycheck. Here's something I wish somebody would have told me the day that I started truck driving. Invest your money. Now, before you you think, "Investing?? I'm not a stock broker or some Wall Street Wizard!". Hear me out. Investing doesn't have to be complicated and it doesn't take a fortune to get started. There's something called 'Dollar Cost Averaging' and it's a fancy way of saying 'you consistently invest a set amount of money no matter what'. It could be $10 a week $50 a month or you know whatever. Whatever fits your budget. When the market is down, your money buys more shares. When the market is up, it buys fewer. Over time those ups and downs balance out and your investment grows. Let me try to paint an illustration for you. Let's say you make the decision to invest $10 a week into a certain company now regardless of how high or low the company's stock rises or falls you regularly invest your $10 buying fractional shares.

This is a very simplified illustration but you can see that over the course of, you know, 3 months your money, which would have otherwise total $120, has accumulated just over two shares of stock that is currently worth $126 per share. It's as if you bought the stock when it was just over $53 but now instead of just having $120 your investment has grown to almost $300 that's an increase of about 146% or an extra $75 that your money earned for you. Think about it like this every dollar you invest is like like a tiny little worker. Those workers don't get tired. They don't need rest stops and they definitely don't run out of hours like you do. They're out there 24/7 growing your money while you're driving, while you sleeping, enjoying that rare weekend off... Hey! Constantly working! And here's the kicker... you don't need to be be rich to build wealth. Start small but stay consistent. That can lead to huge returns over time. You heard the phrase 'slow and steady wins the race', right? Yeah. That's how investing works. It's not about timing the market it's about time IN the market. So instead of spending your entire paycheck, take a little bit and pay future you. Set it aside, invest it, let it grow. Because one day, when you're ready to, you know, hang up those keys for good, you'll want something to show for all those miles that you did.  Start today! Even if it's just $10... $20... You know, you'll thank yourself over time. Trust me. I really wish I would have done that.


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